Sometimes sharing the love of Christ with others is intimidating, hard, and scary and pushes you outside ofyour comfort zone. It isn’t easy and as moms we sometimes, okay a lot of times, just talk about our kids. While this isn’t a bad thing, we also have a calling to share the gospel, to be the hands and feet of Christ. After attending a conference and being filled with the HOPE of Christ and what that means for each of us, we started talking about ways to share our faith. Ways we could also do life together as moms and spread God’s love while doing this. An upcoming run inspired us to design a shirt to wear. This design then sparked the idea for faith based apparel for moms who just want to be comfortable and maybe squeeze some exercise in our busy lives. While we hope our designs can spark conversations about God and spread His love it is also our desire that we can be healthy. This led us to our verse and name. Proverbs 16:24 says, Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. This verse just fit what we wanted to do and Honeycomb Prints was born. We pray God blesses those who wear our shirts and gives them courage to share His love.

Honeycomb Prints Team,

Amanda, Jayme, and Jen